Idols of Dance

Obviously dancers, teachers, and studio operators around the world are thrilled about the success of Dancing With The Stars. Studios are celebrating increased enrollment, students are expecting to be just as good as the stars in 10 weeks, teachers are hoping for their chance to be on the show, and competitions are enjoying increased attendance. […]
What can we learn from the Apprentice?

A show like the Apprentice offers not only entertainment, but also a chance to look at how people think they will succeed. Not that the Apprentice message is what really happens in the world, but it may well encourage how a next generation will approach their chances to get ahead. After all if it works […]

I was recently at a small dance event held at a local venue. The event went well enough, but what makes it important now was the desire of the passing spectators. They wanted to come in and gamble. Granted the name of venue included “Casino” so one might think that gambling was not only available, […]
JUDGING – Part 2

Now for the hard truth – Most people lose competitions, not win them. This is not to mean there are more losers than winners. It means in the midst of a competition, with several couples on the floor at the same time, and often judging different levels it is much easier to pick the loser […]
JUDGING – Part 1

Why Judges are needed. There are many reasons people choose to compete, and most of those reasons have nothing to do with trying to win. That is not to say that we enjoy losing, but merely a way to say that we all want a way to measure our accomplishments, our achievements, our work and […]

Name a dance and all too often it is associated with a particular generation, age or ethnic group. In fact one of the hardest obstacles dancesport has to overcome is the association of a particular genre of music with a particular dance. This continues to prevent one entire generation from even trying out a dance, […]
Go Dancing and Call it Exercise

In today’s society most men display the majority of their athletic prowess in front of the television, and are content to exercise vicariously with a video game, or by arm wrestling beer cans if at all. So to some, suggesting that taking your wife or girl friend out for a night on the town should […]
The New Venue at the USDSC

This year’s 2003 United States Dance Sport Championships are concluded and it should not go unnoticed by any aficionados of dance, and dancesport that the move to a new venue should be a giant step forward. It is only natural for those of us that look at dance and dancesport in this country to look […]
Is the Rumba a Latin Dance

Rumba, sometimes spelled Rhumba, is one of those fundamental Latin dances that are known around the world. Generations of kids, adults, singles and couples have enjoyed dancing to the music of Vikki Carr, Celia Cruz, Elvis, and other great musicians who have sung about the love of this person for the love of that person, […]

One of the hard parts of writing about a particular subject, in my case dancing, is the necessity to keep abreast of all the latest trends. So naturally, when I heard the Board of Governor’s meeting of the NDCA was going to be held in Hollywood, I couldn’t resist the invitation to go and be […]