The Audience Decides

In the past few years we have explored the competition experience. It is my belief that dance competitions such as this one provide a variety of experiences, all basically good and different depending upon the perspective from which you look at it. From the point of view of Judges, it is often more about losing […]
When sitting makes it a sport

When we first think of sports, we think of athletes, competing, sweating and fighting it out on the field of battle. Those that watch come not as mere spectators, but as allies, dressed and painted in the team colors to spur the team to action. For the well heeled, they enjoy the luxurious accommodations and […]
Some hate to see their stereotypes die.

Having been involved in the dance industry for over 30 years, it is only natural to see it go through cycles. Music is a necessary part of any dance’s development and it also changes in style, and popularity over time. Dance is certainly enjoying another up-cycle with all the movies and shows that feature dance […]

If you watch television, you probably know who Jerry Springer is. If you watch dancing, you know he is scheduled to be on the latest season of Dancing With the Stars. Scheduled to premier September 12, he may or may not be busted by the time this article appears. I however want to comment on […]

You walk in the cavernous ballroom in the afternoon, and it is almost empty. Lights are dim, spotlights shining onto the floor and a Tango is playing. Seven couples are on the floor, numbers on the men’s backs tell you right off these couples are competing. For them, this is serious: few smiles, expensive gowns […]

Thirty years seems like a long time; more than a generation for sure and long enough to have a whole war named after the thirty years spent fighting it in the 1600’s. It is also enough time to pay off the entire mortgage if you are one of the few who hasn’t moved six times […]
Travis, Heidi, Benji, Donyelle

As I write this I am watching “So You Think You Can Dance”. By all accounts, I am watching with a few million other people. Dancing has been around since some Neanderthal first decided to move around while some other cave man decided to beat two sticks together. It has been part celebration, often a […]
So What Do You…

As I write this I am watching “So You Think You Can Dance”. By all accounts, I am watching with a few million other people. Dancing has been around since some Neanderthal first decided to move around while some other cave man decided to beat two sticks together. It has been part celebration, often a […]
Summer TV

It is summer time and normally all dreams and thoughts of fancy are on lemonade, sleeping late, vacations, camps and good times with the family. Rarely is summer time thought of as TV time. This is the time when parents are looking to send kids outside. This is the time when reruns are the norm […]
The Stars Continue

Anyone involved in the dance industry has to be ecstatic right now. The continued success of “Dancing With the Stars” might indicate the general population has finally recognized our sport. It might mean that the Olympics are only days away, or at least that the lines to our doors will be beaten down by a […]